Behin Control Sanat company's website design

Behin Control company is active in the field of building,road and dam construction machinery. Some of Behin Control company's productions are batching planet, blacktop factory, concrete pumps, stone crusher and the other related machinery. Technology used in these machinery is mostly German

Behin Control company is active in the field of building,road and dam construction machinery. Some of Behin Control company's productions are batching planet, blacktop factory, concrete pumps, stone crusher and the other related machinery. Technology used in these machinery is mostly German.
Behin Control company's website was designed in 2066 by Webone. According to Webone's new web design platform and its abilities and also for having better automatic update ability, Behin Control company decided to re-design its new website and transfer it to Webone new platform.
Some of the website's features :
  • Programming language : C# ASP.NET MVC, Razor view Engine
  • Host : Particular server in Germany with 50 gigabyte space that one of its significant features is Intel Core i7-4770Quadcore Haswell CPU
  • Automatic update
  • Specific template design